I originally set up this blog so that family near and far can keep in touch and up to date with our family. There is always something going on, and I can't always remember to send pictures to everyone of these events. There will be all kinds of stuff on the blog that encompass "Contreras Family Life".
That being said, I noticed that after I created the blog, I didn't add to it. My mission failed. So when Back to School 2009 came, I vowed two things: 1. I was going to make better meals for my "athletes" utilizing the plan ahead system and 2. I was going to update by blog on a nearly daily basis. Well, school started September 10th, and today is October 1st, so I'm just a little bit late on my second goal. :o) Here are some pics, however, of Donovan, Aidan, and Peyton's first day of school. (Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate Donovan's pic,lol)
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